NX-PartUpdate – NX-Refile – Quick Info

  • What is Refile?

    At any new version of NX, there are new functionality and modules. This causes changes of the data model.
    When opening a Part-file, there is a check in which version it was saved.
    When the saved version is older than the current one, NX is converting the data model inside the Part-file. – This is called Refile

    Why Refile?

    From our development… we are able to open Part-files from Version 12.
    Therefore we do not need a Refile?
    When working with Teamcenter, we do not have write access to loaded or refiled parts.

    Why do we have no write access?

    • Part i owned by a different group
    • Part is released
    • Part has a different owning site

    Parts from a prior NX-version get a modification flag after loading If we refile the Parts during open it will increase the loading time. Without write access, we do a refile every time, when opening a part or assembly. Part is from an „old“ project … does anybody know the NX-Version at that time? … does anybody know that there are „old“ projects?

    To have a clean NX-Environment it is necessary to Refile all Partfiles automatically and secure with the „ugmanager_refile_program.exe Utility“.

    NX-Refile with the PLMJobManager

    The PLMJobManager organizes the conversion of the NX-Data with the NX-Refile utility inside the Teamcenter environment.

    Benefit of a NX-Refile with the PLMJobManager:

    • Unique setup and control of the Refile-Options.
    • Distribution of the Refile process to multiple JobClients and organize them. (Less Refile process time)
    • Avoid „multiple“ Refile of NX-Parts.
    • Supports the preparation of a Refile project.
    • Simplifies the upgrade to newer NX-Versions.
    • Both the TC-Single Site and TC-Multisite is supported
    • Processing of „native“ NX data is also possibl
  • For more Information about refile with the PLMJobManager please have a look at our Documentation

    NX-Refile Presentation

    For planning and calculation of a refile with PLMJobManager please use our Documents

    If you have any questions or if you want to have more informations about NX-Refile with the PLMJobManager please contact us directly.
